after I had finished the product, I thought how wonderful they looked but also a lot of other thoughts came to mind...
How great it was to be able to personalise items that can be worn to express yourself, Its almost like removable tattoos. They will last as long as a tattoo but don't require a big horrible laser to zap your skin with when you want to take them off.

You could even use leather designs as a way of testing out whether you really liked the design enough to have it tattooed on you for the rest of your life.

Another use could be for Medical Id tags which could be easily made and would last a life time, rather than making them out of metal which is uncomfortable you could make them out of leather. You could even personalise them so they look more like a fashion item rather than a clinical tag.
The one issue that comes up for leather craft is how ethical and environmentally friendly is it?
I have the belief that its better to use ever part of the animal rather than waste it, otherwise it is a disrespect to the animal.

and will just end up fill up landfill sites.
or leather that has been sourced from as a waste product of food, which requires no drilling, no toxic gas given off during the production process and if you want to pass it back into the earth it will just break down.

I know which one I would choose :D
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