Thursday, 1 December 2011

Design Course creating we think, living we learn

Based on " by creating we think" problem solving through crafts and make projects.

"by living we learn" Take group on experience trips to learn and discover through play.

Design a course, club or curriculum to run in Dundee or in other cities.

Called: Living creations, creative living club, PB Club(Patrick Geddes)
Vivendo Discimus and Creando Pensamus Creando Vivendo(creative living) Create and Do

Set problems each week which can be solved through making things:
Start with question?
share casual initial thoughts
then prepose make/ craft
Then share afterwards

Make projects:

photo of Drilling at the Tinker School

(Tinker School, America)
Self contained Biosphere- biology and how the world works, what it is like to be astronaut
Crystal Radio-radio waves
Bio plastic-chemistry
Bicycle Gears-maths and mechanics
Alcohol-yeast, type of fungus, gives off carbon dioxide- show exploding and need for disinfected scientific experiments in class, how know it is carbon dioxide, how test?
Leather craft- discussion on ancient skills, where leather comes from and uses
Sprouting jars- Seedlings use food stores, photosynthesis in plant growth
Coloured celery-see where water flows-Xylem
Black paper on plants- show chlorophyll show why leaves change colour in fall
Repair and pull things apart that get from dump e.g. radios- see how they work
bow drill fire- teach physics about friction and forces
outdoor art


Discovery-what it was like to by on ship to the antarctic
(Workhouse Museum, Ripon)
Historical recreational play
Outdoors, camping- teach biology and plant uses and bushcraft
Make do and mend in the 1940s- sewing knitting
Dig for victory, what it was like in the 1940s- fancy dress
Ethenography and what it is like to do a job-police, ambulance, milk man, baker, farmer, scientist, aquaponic expert, computer games designer

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