Hannah Elgie started up a similar project to Skill Share Dundee called Make Do and Mend after she realised;
"There wasn't a local space for people to be creative together and learn from each other and there seemed to be many people needing such a place."
Initally starting out as a place for people to meet for a knitting group it began to expand into a shop front which now hosts lots of practical skill classes in Chelmsford.
MDM's aim is to keep traditional skills and crafts alive, taking inspiration from their historic 'make do and mend' culture.
Make, Do & Mend shares the concept of a new generation to learn the ways of the old generations.
There is maybe some things I can learn from her project and use to make Skill Share a successful community space e.g. what days to have our workshops open? tuesday to saturday? how to make the space practical but inviting? etc
There is maybe some things I can learn from her project and use to make Skill Share a successful community space e.g. what days to have our workshops open? tuesday to saturday? how to make the space practical but inviting? etc

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